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Health Department

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The health department of the ASCIM started in 1968, with Dr. Hans Epp as founder, because of the high mortality rate caused by tuberculosis and high infant mortality. Five years later, in 1973, with foreign help, a large building for health care was built in Yalve Sanga. The reception, Emergency Room, Radiology, Laboratory, Consulting Rooms, and Public Health are still located in this building. In 1975, the construction of an inpatient ward started, which is still working. The Minister of Health was present for the inauguration of the new building, which shows cooperation with public institutions.

Initially, volunteers from different churches were in charge of the health post. Later, a plan was developed based on the instructions offered by the World Health Organization regarding Primary Health Care (PHC). This plan understands PHC as "essential health care accessible to all individuals and families in the community through means acceptable to them, with their full participation and at an accessible cost to the community and the country. It is the core of the health program and is an integral part of the overall socioeconomic development of the community".

Although PHC continues to be a significant activity of the Health Department, the Department has also expanded its services over the years. The Health Department offers medical consultations, diagnostic imaging and laboratory services, hospitalization, and ambulance services. In addition, several inter-institutional agreements enable the referral of patients to medium and high-complexity health services.  

Specific objectives:

  • The indigenous communities associated with the ASCIM have stable primary health care services, with their health centers staffed by professionals and responsible technicians from the communities. 
  • The health services facilities in Yalve Sanga are registered in the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare.
  • Every family in the indigenous partner communities of the ASCIM has access to drinking water.
  • Every person in the indigenous partner communities of the ASCIM has access to medical services.

FIDA          FRICC          UTA          AMH Grupo de Cajas Ascim          FTC          IMO          MCC

Yalve Sanga (Central office)
PO Box:
Filadelfia, 40
9300 Fernheim
Tel. 0491 432231
Cel. 0981 484 975
Specific areas