What we're all about

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Up to this date, ASCIM has been able to secure about 190.000 hectares of land properties   for indigenous communities and participate in the founding of 21 agricultural colonies.  The main objective of ASCIM is to accompany the indigenous communities of the Central Chaco in their social and economic integration by way of an integral and sustainable development.  This accompaniment was made possible through the cooperation of associates of german-mennonite background and the indigenous people in an agricultural production, in education, in the area of health and in the founding of a harmonious intercultural coexistence.

The various areas of activities of ASCIM are the following:

  • Mentoring in the management of administration and bookkeeping of the economic activities of the indigenous community
  • Mentoring in the development of agricultural activities in the indigenous communities
  • Supervision of the primary and secondary schools in the indigenous communities of Zone 7
  • Advancement of professional education for indigenous peoples
  • Production of bilingual texts, adapted especially for indigenous schools
  • Accompaniment of early childhood education, preschool and kindergarten of indigenous children
  • Health services for indigenous peoples, development of an integral public health program
  • Mentoring for the social organization of the indigenous communities
  • Organization of educational courses for indigenous women, both technical and practical
  • Social and cultural orientation towards an interethnic coexistence in the Central Chaco

In this process of mutual cooperation ASCIM seeks to sponsor an auspicious atmosphere for the development of a harmonious coexistence between the different ethnic people groups of the Central Chaco.

This cooperation is made possible by a formal agreement between the ASCIM and the interested indigenous community. The agreement is updated every year in the reunions of the corresponding authorities of each side. It differs between the communities according to the work areas in which the community solicits mentoring from ASCIM.

FIDA          FRICC          UTA          AMH Grupo de Cajas Ascim          FTC          IMO          MCC

Yalve Sanga (Central office)
PO Box:
Filadelfia, 40
9300 Fernheim
Tel. 0491 432231
Cel. 0981 484 975
Email: info@ascim.org
Specific areas