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The Regional Indigenous Federation of the Central Chaco (Federación Regional Indígena del Chaco Central - FRICC) is a regional organization of indigenous people from farming communities in the Central Chaco. This federation was founded in 1975 under the name "Junta Directiva" (Board of Directors). Eleven communities participated in the founding of the FRICC, represented by two leaders each.

The federation of autonomous indigenous communities that have obtained their legal status according to Law No. 904/89, with the Spanish abbreviation FRICC, was registered in 1999 under the name "Federación Regional Indígena del Chaco Central - Regional Indigenous Federation of the Central Chaco".

From this moment on, the FRICC had a legal statute and is an autonomous federation with legal domicile in Yalve Sanga, Department of Boquerón, Chaco - Paraguay, with an indefinite duration.

Today, the FRICC brings together 11 indigenous communities of the Enxet, Enlhet Norte, Nivaclé and Sanapaná tribes. All the communities have their land, and all are legally recognized. They work as small agricultural producers. The representatives of each community meet every other month. At these meetings, they talk about the difficulties within the organization and the communities.

The Intercultural-Social-Spiritual Depatment (DISE) accompanies the meetings and seminars of the FRICC. At the meetings, members exchange experiences, inform about the development of their communities and discuss relevant and significant issues and topics.

The objective of the FRICC is the continuous dialogue and exchange among its member communities, the defense of their common interests, and the promotion of a process of improvement of the living standars of the communities it represents.

The federation has a board of directors composed of five people: a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and two members. The assembly appoints the board of directors for three years. The president and the secretary legally represent the federation and sign official papers.

The main tasks of the board of director are:

  • The preparation, organization and execution of the federation's assemblies and the signing of the corresponding minutes.
  • The board can also meet for urgent decisions that cannot wait for the convening of an assembly. Such decisions must be presented for consideration at the next assembly.

According to the statute of the FRICC, it will coordinate its social programs among its associated communities. These social programs can be:

  • Continuous exchange of information,
  • Joint evaluations of completed projects,
  • Education and training of young people,
  • Improvement of health services,
  • Obtaining personal documents,
  • Promotion of public order services and others.

Among the social objectives of the federation is the joint defense against social ills arising in the associated communities, analyzing situations, and offering logistical support.

The Federation represents the communities to the outside world and fosters relations with the government and non-governmental organizations. The FRICC is also concerned with land tenure, training for young people, and public order in its communities. Together with the indigenous communities, they search for ways for them to socially and economically develop, always respecting their cultures.

FIDA          FRICC          UTA          AMH Grupo de Cajas Ascim          FTC          IMO          MCC

Yalve Sanga (Central office)
PO Box:
Filadelfia, 40
9300 Fernheim
Tel. 0491 432231
Cel. 0981 484 975
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