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Educational realm

The educational realm is divided up into initial education, elementary education and middle school, high school, Continuing Education of Young People and Adults and the Training of Teachers.

The Initial Education and Preschool   are the bottom level of the national educational system. It is unfolded in an ample and innovative concept which emphasizes the integral development of boys and girls less than 6 years, attending their biological, psychological and physical necessities, intellectual, social and emotional, as well as the prevention and detection of difficulties and interruptions in their development and growth.

ASCIM uses the informal approach in the initial education: we try to attend to the children from 3 to 5 years that have no opportunity to take advantage of formal Initial Education. These schools are called "escuelitas" (little schools) and are held in buildings supplied by the community with the basic conditions necessary for the development of the small child. This informal program functions under the sponsorship of the intercultural, social and spiritual department of ASCIM.

At the age of 5 the children are attended in kindergarden by the Supervision of Education  of Zone 7 ASCIM  which seeks to stimulate an integrated development of all aspects of their personality. Basic School Education ( EEB) is compulsory and without cost in the schools managed by the official administration in the indigenous communities, and they are looked after  by the Supervision of Education Zone 7 ASCIM. The EEB is made up of 9 grades and children of the ages 6 to 14 are taught in these grades. The first cycle of the Basic School Education is taught in the villages themselves by indigenous bilingual teachers and with bicultural contents. The second cycle of classes is taught in a central school because of logistical reasons. Since 2002 there are 7 centers that teach the third cycle.

High schools in their various forms have the objective of actively incorporating the student in the social life and work world or else giving them access to higher level learning. In the high schools that the Supervision of Education 7 ASCIM serves there are four schools  teaching the modality of "Bachillerato Cientifico con enfasis en Ciencias Sociales" (Science Diploma with emphasis in Social Sciences) and one school that  leads up to the "Bachiller Tecnico Agropecuario" ( degree as an Agricultural Technician).

FIDA          FRICC          UTA          AMH Grupo de Cajas Ascim          FTC          IMO          MCC

Yalve Sanga (Central office)
PO Box:
Filadelfia, 40
9300 Fernheim
Tel. 0491 432231
Cel. 0981 484 975
Email: info@ascim.org
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