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Community realm

90% of the institutions count on an EGCI (Equipo de Gestion Comunitario Indigena), an indigenous community administration team. The EGCI carries out the upgrading projects of the educational institution and through it the municipalities and administrations of the federal government and other entities carry out their plans for the improvement of the institution.

The decisions of the community that are related to the politics of the education, the choice of teachers and  solutions of conflicts are made by the assembly of its members.

The indigenous mothers work together to prepare a nutritious meal. The federal government of Boquerón delivers provisions like rice, pasta, beans, onions, salt, tomato paste and oil to the institutions.

FIDA          FRICC          UTA          AMH Grupo de Cajas Ascim          FTC          IMO          MCC

Yalve Sanga (Central office)
PO Box:
Filadelfia, 40
9300 Fernheim
Tel. 0491 432231
Cel. 0981 484 975
Email: info@ascim.org
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