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To date, ASCIM has secured approximately 190,000 hectares of land for Indigenous communities and has participated in the establishment of 21 agricultural colonies. The primary goal of ASCIM is to support the Indigenous communities of the Central Chaco in achieving socio-economic integration through comprehensive and sustainable development. This support is provided through cooperation between German-Mennonite and Indigenous partners in agricultural production, education, healthcare, and the foundation of harmonious intercultural coexistence.

ASCIM's fields of activity include:

  • Advising on the administrative and accounting management of the Indigenous community's economic activities.
  • Providing guidance on the development of agricultural and livestock activities in Indigenous communities.
  • Supporting the supervision of primary and secondary schools in Indigenous communities under Supervision 18-33 and Supervision 18-37.
  • Promoting vocational training for Indigenous individuals.
  • Drafting bilingual texts specifically adapted for Indigenous schools.
  • Supporting early childhood and preschool education for Indigenous children.
  • Providing healthcare services to Indigenous populations through the development of a comprehensive public health program.
  • Advising on the internal social organization of Indigenous communities.
  • Organizing complementary technical and practical courses for Indigenous women.
  • Offering socio-cultural guidance to foster interethnic coexistence in the Central Chaco.

Through this reciprocal cooperation process, ASCIM seeks to create a conducive environment for the harmonious coexistence of the various peoples of the Central Chaco. This cooperation is formalized through agreements between ASCIM and the interested Indigenous community. These agreements are updated annually during meetings between the respective authorities of each party. The agreements vary between communities based on the areas of work for which the community requests ASCIM's guidance.

FIDA          FRICC          UTA          AMH Grupo de Cajas Ascim          FTC          IMO          MCC

Yalve Sanga (Central office)
PO Box:
Filadelfia, 40
9300 Fernheim
Tel. 0491 432231
Cel. 0981 484 975
Email: info@ascim.org
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